Create a new MagicWord in SlickRun. Enter a new MagicWord that you would like to use. In the Filename or URL, enter @MULTI@. In the parameters section, there the MagicWord browser of your choice. In my case, I am using firefox. Enter the following:
firefox -url -new-tab -new-tab
UPDATE: doing the above will only work if you already have a browser open. If you do not have a browser open, it will actually open up a new browser for you. If you remove the -url and all the -new-tab(s), it will open up a new browser and automatically open up additional sites in a new tabs.
Save the new MagicWord. Now, try it. You can also use IE or any browser of your choice. In this case, make sure that you have a MagicWord created for your browser.
You can also use @MULTI@ to start multiple applications. Make sure that you have MagicWords for your applications. In the parameters section, enter the applications that you would like to open. Separate each application with the @ sign.