October 29, 2008

TDD in C# - Presentaion @ NotAtPDC

I just attended a presentation from Philip Japikse on Test Driven Development. This was presented through www.notatpdc.com. They have a bunch of presentations on multiple subjects. I really enjoyed and learned a lot from Mr. Japikse. I was introduced to new tools such as MBUnit, ReSharper and also terminologies such as Red, Green, TED, BDD, and DDD.

Red, Green and Refactor are what is known as Test-Driven Development Mantra. Red : Create a test and make it fail. Green: Make the test pass by any means necessary ( even hardcoding ). Refactor: remove duplicate code, hardcoded values, and any code that is not self documenting ( unclear ).

Good rule of thumb: every project should have a test project and every class should have a test class.

Mr. Japikse is going to be posting the sample code and also the powerpoint presentation on his blog soon.

During the session, someone mentioned PEX.

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